Saturday, May 21, 2011

Early Bird

I'm a morning person. Unashamedly. I like to get up at 5:30 AM, when the whole world still seems to be asleep, and take my time with my mug of black tea, my computer screen, my thoughts. I'll take the dog for a jog around the block. Sometimes I'll work out in front of the TV.

I'm at my best and my most creative in the mornings. After lunch, don't bother! Stick a fork in me, wrap me up to go because I am DONE!

I wasn't always like this. A few years ago my crazy research-psychologist husband got it into his head that we would sleep better if we went to bed and woke up at the same time every day (given one hour leeway) even on the weekends. Science said it would work, so we tried it! I may have been a little whine-y at first, but after a month or two, I noticed that I didn't get sleepy during the day. Like, ever.

And I also started to treasure those early morning hours. I think heaven is going to be an eternal Saturday morning - peaceful, beautiful, and with the whole day of possibility ahead.

What about you? Are you an early bird or a night owl?


  1. uh hello. it's 5:45 am on the west coast, and here i am reading blogs drinking coffee. i have always been a morning person. it IS so peaceful.

  2. I've always naturally gravitated toward nightowlishness, but I've been raising kids & working a full-time traditional job for almost 12 years now, so have gotten used to getting up early, and I don't have too much of a problem getting up. I crave alone time to do just-me stuff, but getting up earlier than I have to rarely happens. And anytime I have an extended period of time when I don't have to be up early, like over Christmas break when my employer closes down for a few weeks (nice perk), I quickly switch back into stay up until 3am. It makes going back to work hard that first couple of days.

  3. Early bird for the most part...maybe not 5:30 early on the weekends but during the week that's what time we get up. On the weekends I'd say 7 is about the latest we ever get up.

    Too much good stuff to be done...and the house is quiet which I love!!

    Happy Weekend!

  4. I'm an early bird, too! However my hubs is a night owl and when I try and stay up with him I still wake up at my normal crack of dawn.... then need a nap later in the day!

  5. I used to be an early bird, everyone in family just got up really early so it was natural. Now I find myself staying up later especially with blogging. If you get up at 5:30 what time are you going to sleep?

    Also, I used to also save books for summer when I taught. I'm having to learn to just put the book down now (a new concept for me!) to get things done and tend to Little C.

  6. Ugh no. Hate mornings! I won't even say anything other than a grunt before I have had at least 2 cups of coffee, although saying that, I have rare mornings where I wake up early and go for a run and spend the day feeling energised. I kinda envy morning people!

  7. Hi, I have just stumbled across your blog and am now following. i love the tickle me tuesday concept and hope to participate in the future. I am also a teacher, in Australia though, and often post about what i do in my classroom. If you get time stop by my blog - ubersavvy. P.s. it is sunday night here and i am truely feeling the way you felt last Sunday :)

  8. I was a morning person before. I used to get up around 5 or 5.30am, especially if the sun rose early. Then my schedule changed and I had to stay up later so that meant I ended up sleeping in later too. Now I'm trying to get back to getting up early because I find that I get more out of the day that way. Great blog, by the way =D

  9. I'm an early bird, but I do appreciate a morning that I don't have to be up super early and can take my time. Saturday mornings with nowhere to be are the best!

  10. I think I'm naturally a morning person, but I'm married to a night owl, so I usually end up staying up too late and being tired in the morning! But, when I stay on my schedule, I love mornings!
