Monday, October 3, 2011

Missionary Kid Monday: to go for it or not?

In reflecting on this little ol' blog of mine, I find that I want to share more of myself. Be more open. Share my story. But as soon as I started thinking on this track, the peanut gallery of my soul popped up:

People will think you're bragging.
It's too complicated to write.
People won't understand.
It'll be too hard.
Nobody cares.

I'm a Missionary Kid. (I technically still am: my parents are Christian missionaries in France.) It's not the only thing that defines me, but for years it was. So I have some stories to tell: about adapting, belonging, relationships, loss, transitions, and faith.

And as you can tell from all the reasons I came up with, I'm a little nervous about starting this venture. I hope you'll stick with me.... Look for the first post coming up next Monday!


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  3. I'm so glad that you are willing to share with us!
    I'm looking forward to your post(s)! =)

  4. I can't wait to read about it.

  5. I love to hear more about people & their stories! It's one of the reasons I read learn more about people. I'm glad you've decided to share your story. Can't wait to hear it!

  6. I would love to hear more. I was not raised in a Christian home, so hearing about the lives of people that were is always fascinating to me!

  7. Looking forward to it!! I think getting to "know" the blogger better puts a more rounded perspective on where they are coming from. :-)

  8. hey sarah! first off love the new look to your blog. you probably changed it forever ago but i've been a little MIA for a while. second i would LOVE to hear your story! being a pastors kid myself it makes me very interested! : )

  9. You have experienced things a lot of us never will. I'm looking forward to your stories!

  10. You can do it! I can't wait to hear your stories, Sarah :)

  11. looking forward to it!! we love learning about bits and pieces of your life! :D

  12. I would LOVE to read about it. I am a MK myself and I love to hear stories from other missionary kids...I can completely relate to them and it brings me so much comfort...I have have experienced wonderful adventures but also experienced terrible losses so I find comfort knowing that other people can relate to me and have had same I would say go for it! You will have a huge impact on a struggling 15 year old's life, and I'm sure many other people!

    PS--I found this blog via The French Bird. :)
