Friday, July 1, 2011

Faraway Friends

When I tell people I grew up in France and Germany as a missionary kid, they often say something like "How special!" or "How exotic!"

And while I'm thankful for the many amazing experiences I've had living overseas, I sometimes find myself  longing to be one of those lucky people who stay in one place most of their lives. Who can point to one place on a map and say "That's home!" Who run into people they knew in high school, in elementary school.

This is especially true when it comes to friends. I went to an international boarding school during my high school years and made good friends from all over the globe. I graduated in a class of 75 and we all went our separate ways for college in the States. (When we had our 10 year reunion, we had to take a vote on which city/state we would meet up in!!)

I made a few good friends in college (I married the best one!) but we moved far away from there when it was all over. And we've kept moving around, so it's been difficult to make friends, keep friends, and stay in touch with friends. You know?

But this week, a very good friend of mine from my international high school is in town!! Here we are, then and now:

It's been so good to catch up. Good for my heart. 

I'm linking up with Casey today!


  1. Oh I love this post... I have been there too.... different places - always moving. I wrote about these same things over the past week - my friends post just today. Must be something in the air. Lovely to meet you here at Casey's.

  2. I only moved once when I was a kid and I thought it was traumatic! : ) How cool that you got a chance to catch up and connect with your friend?!

  3. so glad you can be with your friend this weekend.

  4. What a great post! Love that you two could meet up. :)

  5. How lovely!!!

    Enjoy this special time. :-)

  6. i understand...i moved around a lot as well. yay to reconnecting!

  7. I grew up in the army and my husband was in the army for 20 years...I understand completely! I'm so glad you got to meet up with your friend!

  8. I love seeing "Then and Now" pictures! It is good that you were able to catch up :)

  9. So cool that you 2 are able to meet up! I'm starting a new job in a few weeks working in an international school, so any more insight you could give me would be great! haha, hope you enjoyed your little reunion! :D
