Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In Bed

One good thing about working part time is that I enjoy my time at home with William SO much more! This morning, we were lazy and decided to hang out in bed.

No morning rush.

No traffic.

No students to teach.

Just this cutie pie!


  1. He is just so sweet! But I'm sure you already knew that. :)

  2. I'm so glad you get to work part time! Time with a baby is really precious!! In one of your previous posts you had said something about how William used to be super fussy when he pooped but y'all changed the way you fed him. Could you possibly tell me what y'all did? Bryant is also super fussy when he poops & we haven't been able to find anything that helps.

  3. oh so sweety

    xoxo of Paris

  4. Such a cutie! I always appreciated being home with Chloe so much more back when I was working a day a week. Hard to believe I'll soon be back full-time.

  5. And what a cutie pie he is! I'm really glad for you that you don't have to work full time :)

  6. This is so lovely blog, so beautiful pictures and inspiring ideas:)
    Have a nice weekend !
