It's my husband's fault I'm a morning person.
I used to sleep in until the very last possible moment before getting up and getting ready for work. I would inhale my breakfast, make my tea and drink it on the go. My bedtimes would vary but I would usually be tired during the day.
Then one day about four or five years ago, Max convinced me to try going to bed at the same time (within an hour) and waking up at the same time (exactly) every day. He also persuaded me to set the alarm for EARLY - 5:45 AM! EVEN ON THE WEEKENDS!!
I did it at first out of love and to humor him. But I admit, I was crying on the inside that whole first week of our new schedule!
But then something weird happened....
I stopped feeling tired during the day. And then, after a little while, I started to cherish my early morning times. I had at least 30 minutes to relax before work - I could linger in the shower, sip my tea, read a book, watch the news.... In fact I liked my early morning routine so much that when summer vacation rolled around, we only adjusted our schedule by a little bit - up at 7:30 or so instead of during the five o'clock hour.
And now since living in Texas (for the past 3 years or so), this is what my usual morning routine consists of:
- Waking up at 5:15 (yeah, we're in bed pretty early - between 8 and 9)
- Working out/stretching in front of the news for 20 minutes
- Jogging with the dog
- Showering/dressing
- Eating breakfast
By the time I'm ready for breakfast, I have thirty or forty minutes to catch up on blog and shop stuff before work!
I know this is all going to change once the baby comes - we're going to have to figure out a whole new morning routine. But for now this is working for us!
What about you? Are you a crazy early-morning person like me?